(2018) 4/2 Visn. Nac. akad. prokur. Ukr. 70–81
Title of the article Concept and Content of Psychological Violence
PhD in Psychology, senior lecturer, department of prosecutors training in work organization Special Training Institute, National Prosecution Academy of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine, bevzyk@i.ua
Doctor of Law, Professor, Honored Lawyer of Ukraine, head, department of scientific and methodological support of prosecutor’s activity outside the criminal justice sphere, Scientific and Research Institute, National Prosecution Academy of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine, koziakov@ap.gp.gov.ua
Short title
of the journal (ISSN)
Visn. Nac. akad. prokur. Ukr.
Year 2018
Issue 4/2
Pages [70–81]
Language Ukrainian
Abstract The European integration aspirations of Ukraine are related to the positive dynamics of the implementation into the national legislation of the Council of Europe standards of preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence. Activation of the process of lawmaking in this direction determines the modernization of legal acts, as a result of which new concepts are introduced into the legal circle. As a result, for example, in the legislation on criminal liability, along with the term “mental violence”, the term “psychological violence” is used, along with the phrase “moral suffering” – “psychological suffering”, etc. At the same time, the Criminal Code of Ukraine does not contain definitions of these concepts, and their definition in the norms of the special legislation on preventing and combating domestic violence does not reveal the legal and psychological nature of these phenomena, in addition, the terminology used contains conflicting essential characteristics that demonstrate different approaches to the definition of concepts used in the legislation in the specified field.
The purpose of the article is the theoretical definition and interpretation of the concept and content of psychological violence at the interdisciplinary level by synthesizing its definitions developed in the scientific discourse, identifying and differentiating the types and forms of manifestation of psychological violence in interpersonal relations with the aim of improving law enforcement.
In the study of the approaches adopted in the Istanbul Convention (2011, CETS No. 210), it has been established that psychological violence is understood to mean intentional behavior that leads to severe violations of mental integrity through coercion or threats. Instead, in the criminal law doctrine, mental violence involves the use of psychic influence on another person against his/her will in order to achieve a harmful result. Another legislative definition is that psychological violence is a form of domestic violence that includes verbal abuse, threats, including against third parties, humiliation, persecution, intimidation, and other acts aimed at limiting the expression of the will, control of the reproductive if such actions or inactivity caused the victim’s fear of his/her safety or security of third parties, caused emotional insecurity, inability to protect themselves or harm the person’s mental health.
As a result of the analysis of different approaches and definitions at the interdisciplinary level, it can be determined that psychological violence is a personal influence on the psyche of a particular person, which forces him/her into actions and behaviors that are not part of his/her intentions and violate the individual limits of the individual, exercised without informed consent and without ensuring the social and psychological safety of the individual, his/her legal rights, leading to negative legal consequences in the form of moral, physical or material damage.
Keywords violence; domestic violence; mental violence; psychological violence; mental suffering; moral damage.
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